Joseph Connor, author and businessman, interview.

How many times has Eric Holder lied to Congress?

“No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.” – Abraham Lincoln

I testified at Eric Holder’s 2009 Senate nomination confirmation hearing to become Attorney General. During the Clinton administration, Holder recommended and pushed for the release of the unrepentant FALN terrorists who claimed my father Frank Connor’s murder. This was against advice of the FBI, Bureau of Prisons, law enforcement groups and U.S. Attorneys. Yet while testifying at his own AG hearing, Holder claimed not to know the FALN was filmed by FBI surveillance cameras building bombs. When asked about certain other facts about the FALN terrorists he replied, “I think I’ve seen it in some news accounts in the recent past, like over the last week of so, something like that.”

Before the Senate voted to confirm Holder as Attorney General, Andrew McCarthy wrote this at the National Review Online:

In 1995, when he was an ambitious U.S. attorney in Washington, Eric Holder knew exactly who Marc Rich was. He was sufficiently outraged by Rich’s conduct that he had his office sue a Rich-controlled company that had duped the government into awarding it a lucrative contract while Rich remained a fugitive from justice. Holder then publicly filed a complaint which unmasked Rich’s duplicity in detail. Furthermore, Holder took credit in the press for inducing Rich’s company to pay Uncle Sam a $1.2 million settlement and to concede that it should have acknowledged “Rich’s substantial indirect ownership.”

Later, [during the 2009 confirmation hearing] Sen. Arlen Specter, the committee’s ranking Republican, went through Rich’s sordid history and pointedly asked Holder, “Were you aware of this kind of a record this man had?”

“No I was not,” Holder replied. “And that was one of the mistakes that I made. I did not really acquaint myself with his record. I knew that the matter involved–it was a tax fraud case; it was a substantial tax fraud case. I knew that he was a fugitive. I did not know a lot of the underlying facts that you have described.”

In May 2011, when asked when he first heard about Operation Fast and Furious, Attorney General Eric Holder testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.” DOJ documents surfaced five months later indicating that Holder knew of Fast and Furious as far back as July 2010.

Congress is now investigating whether Eric Holder committed perjury on May 15, 2013, when he testified “the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material” is not something he was involved in or knew about.

Why should they expect anything else?

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