Joe Connor sat down live in studio with Dennis Miller and discussed Eric Holder’s history of deceit.

Joe Connor sat down Friday live in studio with Dennis Miller and discussed Eric Holder’s history of deceit including Holder’s role in the current scandals, FALN clemencies, Marc Rich and Fast & Furious. They also discussed Joe’s testimony at Holder’s 2009 Senate Confirmation Hearing and Holder’s dishonest history of pleading ignorance.

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Please click on the link above and take a listen.

Dennis is great so the 12 minutes goes fast. Its entertaining and hopefully informative.

Please pass along if you will.

Thank you,


One thought on “Joe Connor sat down live in studio with Dennis Miller and discussed Eric Holder’s history of deceit.

  1. Joe you had Holder’s number way back when. I listened to your testimony before Congress and it was riveting. How they could appoint him after that is incredulous and proves to me how corrupt the system is. You are to be commended Joe. Your Dad must be smiling down on you for your resolve. You will see justice Joe. Holder’s got to go.


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