Honoring Terror II: Joe discusses the disgraceful honoring of terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera

I discussed the Puerto Rican Day Parade’s honoring terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera (OLR) with Steve Malzberg and Frank Gaffney. OLR’s FALN murdered my father Frank Connor among others at Fraunces Tavern and Lopez himself refused Clintons’ 1999 clemency to the unrepentant FALN members.
The Steve Malzberg Show
Please click on the photo of Steve Malzbergand me to view our full interview.
Please click on the bar below to listen to Frank and my discussion.
Frank Gaffney Secure Radio
A small group of us FALN victims and family members faced OLR at his 2011 parole hearing looking for contrition, for a reason to forgive. There was nothing in him. We successfully kept him in prison.
Now a group led by Melissa Mark Viverito the disgraceful speaker of the NYC Council is agitating for a second presidential clemency for this remorseless terrorist.
If you agree that this convicted terrorist should remain in prison, please contact your representatives and Puerto Rican leaders demanding they condemn terrorism by standing against OLR’s release.
Only the powerful light of citizen activism may dissuade the current president from offering Lopez a second clemency.