Joseph F. Connor
Joe Connor has testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations regarding President Clinton’s 1999 clemency grant to 16 terrorists whose FALN murdered his father Frank Connor, the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2009 during Eric Holder’s confirmation hearing and introduced The Pardon Attorney Reform and Integrity Act to Congress in 2000. Mr. Connor led the successful 2011 effort to deny parole to the terror leader who refused the Clintons’ 1999 clemency grant.
Having commuted through the WTC on 9/11/01, Connor eye-witnessed the attacks from his nearby office, in which his cousin, his father’s god son was murdered among almost 3,000 others.
As a 9/11 family member Joe spent a week at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in February 2016 observing the 9/11 terror trial motions.
Joe and Jeff Ingber published Shattered Lives, overcoming the Fraunces Tavern Terror in 2018 and in 2025 released the film version, Shattered Lives Movie by Mactavish Pictures.
Joe conceived of and co-authored with Mike Duncan the entertaining, exciting, emotional and educational novel, The New Founders bringing the founding fathers alive in America today taking on 21st century issues using our founding principles.
Joe’s articles have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Human Events, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-TimesNewsmaxandNational Review Online .He currently writes on and contributes to, and Mr. Connor has also appeared on several news shows including The Kelly File, Hannity, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends, Varney & Co, The Steve Malzberg Show, NBC Nightly News, Hardball, America Live as well as various local and nationally syndicated radio programs including Dennis Miller, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity.
Joe was featured in a 2016 Advertisement for President Trump,Russian Roulette, a political advertisement in the 2014 Arizona Governor’s race and had a key role in the Citizens United documentary, Hillary the Movie the impetus for the Supreme Court’s overturning of the McCain Feingold Campaign Finance law.
In 2013, Joe initiated City College of New York’s shuttering of the student / community center named for FALN bomber, fugitive Guillermo Morales and cop killer Assata Shakur.
Joe received a 2011 award from the National Conference on Jewish Affairs and The United Liberty Alliance and has spoken at several Tax Day rallies.
A 1988 graduate of Villanova University, Joe is married and lives in the NY metropolitan area with his wife and two children. He works in the financial services industry.
Additional Accomplishments:
- Attended pretrial hearings at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Feb 2016
- Docent at 9/11 Tribute Center, 9/11 Memorial
- Initiated City College of New York’s shuttering of the Guillermo Morales / Assata Shakur Student and Community Center, 2013
- Led FALN victims and family members in ensuring the denial of parole to FALN leader at Oscar Lopez Rivera’s parole hearing in the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, 2011
- Received award from the National Conference on Jewish Affairs and The United Liberty Alliance, 2011 for contributions to the fight against global terrorism
- Spoke at Tax Day Rallies, Bergen County, NJ, 2013, 2011
- Established blog,
- Conceived of and led Mellon Investor Services’ “Support Our Troops” campaign in which we collected, packed and shipped over one ton of necessary items contributed for US Troops in Iraq, Thanksgiving 2007
- 9/11 support group advisor and member
- Coach, wrestling, baseball, soccer
Michael S. Duncan
Mike Duncan is a husband and father of two. He works in the financial services industry where he is a frequent guest speaker on merger & acquisition industry trends. He is also a regular lecturer of continuing legal education courses to corporate law firms in the U.S.
Mr. Duncan has written numerous articles on shareowner services for trade publications as well as an article on stock options in the Spring 2009 edition of The Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance published by the National Center for Employee Ownership.
A 1988 graduate of Villanova University, Mike is married and lives in the NY metropolitan area with his wife and two children. He serves as an officer in The Knights of Columbus and member of the local Tea Party. Mike is very active in his church and youth sports as well.
Frank J. Connor

Frank J. Connor is a graduate of Villanova University class of 2019 where he studied economics and served as president of Villanova University College Republicans spreading the conservative message on campus.
In the summer of 2016, Frank worked in Congressman Scott Garrett’s office handling constituents concerns and learning what the American people expect of their government. That same summer, he began his writing career with Western Free Press, publishing articles of conservative opinion. In 2017, Frank was appointed to the Bergen County Republican Committee in his home state of New Jersey, making him its youngest member. Frank now works to prepare younger generations of conservatives for the intellectual battles they will face in college and the years following.