Black and white wedding photo, bride and groom.

Thanksgiving dinner discussion; Send Lawyers, Guns and Money….

Thanksgiving evening’s The Story with Martha MacCallum on Fox News Channel included Joe Connor as part of a bi-partisan panel to discuss / debate issues of the day likely to come up over Thanksgiving dinner: Sexual Harassment, Gun Control, Taxes, the NFL.  Talk about controversial topics.  As Warren Zevon put it, “send lawyers, guns and money…we all know the next line.”

Joe spoke on a few topics:

Raising the economic level of all Americans by lowering tax rates and returning decision making to the individual rather than local or federal government.

Outrage that certain public people and elected officials not only use their power to sexually harass / assault but (in the case of certain members of congress) use the peoples’ money to pay off their victims.  If proven true, they should be locked up.

The hour long segment ended with issues on which we, as Americans, can agree.  Most agreed with Joe that our families are the most important part of our lives.  Let’s be thankful for our families and work to keep them and the American family together.


Look for Shattered Lives:  The Enduring Legacy of the Fraunces Tavern Bombing, from Jeff Ingber with Joe Connor scheduled for publication in early 2018


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