Joe Connor demands President Obama to secure return of terrorist fugitives from Cuba
God bless those innocents murdered in Brussels today by radical islamic extremists.  We pray their families find strength, peace and justice.
President Obama’s words immediately after today’s attack were the height of hypocrisy, “This is yet another reminder that the world must unite. We must be together regardless of nationality, or race, or faith in fighting against the scourge of terrorism. We can and we will defeat those who threaten the security of people all around the world.”
These words come from man, Obama, who indulges himself in self congratulations on opening relations with Cuba, a decades long supporter of terrorism, while failing to bring convicted terrorist fugitives from Cuba to face US justice.  Convicted Puerto Rican terrorist bomb maker William Morales whose FALN murdered my father Frank Connor and BLA cop killer, Joanne Chesimard are two of scores of fugitives receiving safe harbor in Cuba yet this president refuses to demand their return.
Steve Malzberg and I discussed today on NewsmaxTV.
Air Force One touched down on Cuban soil for the first time Sunday I reflected on Fox News that the contrast between President Reagan demanding Mikhail Gorbachev “tear down this wall†and current President Obama’s capitulation to tyranny could not have been more stark. Today’s words sadly confirmed my suspicions.
For the full interview please click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser.
Related Links
Connor correspondence with the State Department regarding Morales
FNC NJ Police call for return of terrorists
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