As published in May 23, 2024 During the ongoing pro-terrorist / anti-Israel protests in New York City, Fraunces

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Terrorists on Campus

April 29, 2024

No wonder Columbia University, City College of New York (CCNY), NYU, Yale and other universities have violent anti-Semitic, Marxist mobs on campus supporting terrorists. American universities have been hiring terrorists as faculty and pandering to terrorists for decades…what result did we, or they, expect?

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Insurrection Insanity

October 1, 2021   Democrats comparing the Capitol Protests to the horrors of 9/11/01 and accusing patriotic Americans of being threats and

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As published today in Link and full text below. Nancy Pelosi lied while leading the usual propagandists from

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Sound Familiar?

July 5, 2020

As published in My father Frank Connor was murdered by the terrorists from whom the organization (not the

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