New NYC Council Speaker wants terror bomber released

A television screen showing an audience sitting in chairs.Oscar Lopez-Rivera’s Puerto Rican Marxist terror organization, the FALN, conducted more than 100 bombings on U.S. soil, killing 5including my father Frank Connor and wounding scores. Incredibly, Lopez turned down the infamous Clinton clemencies in 1999 and chose to remain in prison.

Newly-elected City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito advocated for Lopez’s release.

My old friend Steve Malzberg and I discussed this on NewsMax TV.

“This is [what] … the second-highest-level person in our city government is advocating for? Don’t you think there could be better people that she might care about? “He (Lopez) is a swornterroristand unrepentant,” Connor told Steve Malzberg.

Please view the full interview by clicking below:

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