Justifying Justice: A Tale of Two Terrorists

A television screen showing an audience sitting in chairs.Why do we keep having to justifyjustice?

We ask PEOTUS Trump to secure the return of FALN terrorist William Morales from Cuba to serve his 99 year prison term and for FALN leader Oscar Lopez Rivera to remain in prison completing his 70 year term.

This week on Circa Joe Connor and Sara Carter discussed the unjust push for President Obama to offer a second clemency to Lopez Rivera.

Please click on the link below for the written and video report:



On America Talks Live Steve Malzberg and Joe urged PEOTUS Trump to secure the return of terrorist bomber William Morales and to keep the unrepentant Lopez in prison.

Please click here or on the link below for the full interview.


If you agree that terror leaders Oscar Lopez Rivera and his FALN comrade William Morales should serve their prison terms, please contact President Obama using the information on this letter as a guide including Lopez’s Federal ID information, 87651-024, FCI Terre Haute:


And President Elect Trump at


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and the best to you and your families in 2017

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