FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera at Hofstra; correspondence
FALN terrorists Oscar Lopez Rivera is speaking at Hofstra University tonight, October 25, 2018. Steve Steinberg, (Hofstra alumn and brother Charles murdered by FALN) tried to educate Hofstra’s hosting professor, president and provost about who Lopez really is; asking them as an “institution of higher learning” to inquire past the terrorist’s marketing collateral and understand the real murder and human collateral he and his FALN left in their wake.
Hopefully Hofstra confronts this terrorist tonight the way a small group of victims and family members successfully did at his 2011 parole hearing; after he refused the Clintons’ / Holder’s clemency but before accepting Obama’s.
Please read email string from bottom email to top
Thank you.
Thank you for your reply Provost Simmons.
As I stated at the conclusion of my note (complete email below) to Professor Murillo
“Please raise these issues with him. A group of FALN victims and family and I faced him at his 2011 parole hearing looking to forgive, but he was unrepentant.
“I am for freedom of speech so I would not ask you to pull Lopez but I am also for truth so I do ask you to ask these questions of Lopez? Our students deserve to understand who Lopez really is.”
I am not asking Hofstra to pull him but to make sure the full truth about Lopez is disclosed to your students and audience members.
Thank you
Full email to Prof Murillo:
Hello Professor Murillo,
As per my voicemail today, please see the truth about Oscar Lopez Rivera.
He was and is a terror leader whose FALN murdered my father Frank Connor and others at Fraunces Tavern; the birthplace of liberty.
Please ask Lopez a few simple questions:
why he is in photos outside Fraunces Tavern immediately after the bombing (see link) and ask
if not for terrorism, why Oscar Lopez Rivera is considered an “independence leader” for Puerto Rico?
If he was not a terror leader why he REFUSED President Clinton’s 1999 clemency?
Please see links below.
What aside from terror did OLR do to become an “independence leader?”
OLR at Fraunces
Letter to President Obama detailing Lopez terror career.
Honoring terrorist Lopez at Puerto Rican Day Parade
Face to face with Lopez
Please raise these issues with him. A group of FALN victims and family and I faced him at his 2011 parole hearing looking to forgive, but he was unrepentant.
I am for freedom of speech so I would not ask you to pull Lopez but I am also for truth so I do ask you to ask these questions of Lopez? Our students deserve to understand who Lopez really is.
Please call or email with questions or to discuss.
Thank you.
Joe Connor
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 5:11 PM Provost <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Mr. Connor,
Thank you for taking the time to write to Pres. Rabinowitz aboutyour concerns about today’s presentation by Oscar Lopez Rivera at Hofstra University. The President has asked me, as Chief Academic Officer of the University, to respond on his behalf. We are both deeply saddened by your personal history connected to this speaker. The invitation of Mr. Rivera to speak at Hofstra did not emanate from Hofstra’s administration,and President Rabinowitz and I believe that the faculty members who extended the invitation could have considered other speakers who could address the difficult subjects on which he speaks.
Nonetheless, Hofstra University’s Mission states that the University is an academic
communitythat”supports learning through the free and open exchangeofideas…”We understand that Mr. Rivera’s presence on campus is controversial. However, consistent with our Mission, Hofstra extends the rights andprivileges of academic freedom to all faculty, and to all those whom the facultyinvite to participate in our community of scholars. While we may sometimes find the views or actions of such individuals abhorrent, faculty have a right, which we are committed to uphold, to invite them to speak.
Sincerely yours,
Gail M. Simmons, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chair, Colonial Academic Alliance
Professor of Biology
200 West Library Wing
144 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-1440
Tel. 516.463.5402
Fax. 516.463.6505
Featuring Puerto Rican independence leader and former political prisonerOscar López Rivera, whose 55-year sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama in 2017 as one of his last acts in office. López Rivera, who spent 35 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy,” has been described as the “Nelson Mandela of Puerto Rico,” and is seen as a hero by many Puerto Ricans. He will discuss the state of the independence movement in the context of the island’s ongoing financial crisis and the devastating impact that last year’s storm has had on the Puerto Rican people.
Please see my correspondence with Professor Murillo containing more details of who Lopez really is.
I ask you to do the right thing regarding Lopez, terror victims, your students, justice and the truth.
I think you know what the right thing is.
Joe Connor
Subject:Oscar Lopez Rivera at Hofstra
Thank you for your reply Dr. Murillo,
Given the discussion of the financial crisis on the island, it’s worth raising that Lopez “independence” comrades condemn the US support or lack of financial support as they rail against the US as a colonial power.
Thank you.
From:Mario A. Murillo<[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Oct 22, 2018, 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Oscar Lopez Rivera at Hofstra
To: Joseph Connor <[email protected]>, HOFCULCTR <[email protected]>
Date:Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 11:35 AM
To:HOFCULCTR <[email protected]>, “Mario A. Murillo” <[email protected]>
Subject:Oscar Lopez Rivera at Hofstra
As per my voicemail today, please see the truth about Oscar Lopez Rivera.