Talking about Justice for terror victims on the CL Bryant Show

A television screen showing an audience sitting in chairs.
Frank Connor

OnRedstate Radio‘s theCL Bryant Show, CL and Joe discussed my father
Frank Connor and cousin Steve Schlag’slives,senseless murders byMarxist and Islamic terrorists and thedisgraceful politics. Please click above or on the link below for the full discussion.
May we never forget but always be prepared to act.

Shattered Livesisavailable onAmazonin Kindle, Hardcover / Paperback and will soon be released as a documentary film.

2 thoughts on “Talking about Justice for terror victims on the CL Bryant Show

  1. The Clintons, Obama & Eric Holder have given clemency to these terrorist killers. Obama had every opportunity to confront Raul Castro & inform him
    Him that he return the killers he’s harboring or no normalization of relations. Most Americans don’t know what these lowlife politicians have done to gain political favor. Keep up the great work you are & have been doing Joe. You are a true hero. I hope & pray Joe that the promise you made to your Mom comes to fruition.

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