On April 18, John Gibson and Joe Connor spoke for a full hour about Shattered Lives on John Gibson’s radio show
In the most thorough discussion of Shattered Lives, over the course of an hour interview today, John Gibsonand Joe Connor answered in detail:
Pleasego to Wednesday April18, 2018 hour 3 for the full interview.
- How today’s political elites have let down the people.
- Whowas Frank Connor?
- Who were the FALN terrorists?
- Why did the Clintons, Obama and EricHolder push their release?
- Why Fraunces Tavern?
- What was the Cuban connection?
- What are the connections to today?
- Who is terror leader Oscar Lopez Rivera? and why would he ever be offered a freedom hero award?
- What was James Comey’s action 2 decades ago that pre-cursed his 2016 exoneration of Hillary Clinton?
- How can the US open relations with Cuba who has waged a proxy war against America and harbors terrorist fugitives like William Morales and Joanne Chesimard?
- Does Eric Holder have the character, values or judgment to seek national office after playing Russian Roulette with the American people?
- How could “Hamilton” creator Lin Miranda consider Lopez Rivera a hero when Lopez’s FALN bombed Fraunces Tavern, the very place Alexander Hamilton met with the Sons of Liberty?
Shattered Lives, Overcoming Fraunces Tavern Terroris ultimately an uplifting though cautionary story of uniquely American families overcoming and fighting back against the murder of their loved ones, the political use of their murders by the highest levels of the United States government and families keeping our loved one’s memories alive.
Please click the link below and go to Wednesday April18, 2018 hour 3 for the full interview.
Shattered Lives is now available on AmazonandKindle.
“To be killed in a war is not the worst that can happen. To be lost is not the worst. To be forgotten is the worst.”
Pierre Claeyssens (1909–2003)
Gene Sweeney
USAF Vietnam Veteran
Cum Deo ad Finem
Exactly Gene,
Thank you