Thank you Fox and Friends for discussing with me for a few minutes on Saturday why the US should not
Read MoreCategory: Eric Holder
Joe Connor, co-author of The New Founders and a relentless advocate for justice (testified against Eric Holder at his 2009
Read MoreDebra Burlingame and I remembered Chic Burlingame, Steve Schlag, Tim Finnerty, and 3,000 innocent lives killed on 9/11/01. Sadly, bringing
Read MoreAs we commemorate the twelfth and first anniversaries of the 9/11/01 and Benghazi terror attacks respectively, it is important to
Read MoreIf the United States intervenes and supports al Qaeda aligned rebels in Syria, no matter how horrendous Assad is, the
Read MoreAs an American born two and a half years after the August, 1963 March on Washington, our parents instilled in
Read MoreOn July 17, Dennis and Joe discussed Eric Holder as he pushes civil rights charges on George Zimmerman while as
Read MoreOn Father’s Day, Lisa Benson and Joe Connor discussed Joe’s father Frank Connor and the horrific motivations of politicians at
Read MoreSean Hannity and I discussed my father Frank Connor, Eric Holder and his role in the disgracefully craven Clinton clemencies
Read More This is not the first time that Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Eric Holder have been accused of attempting
Read MoreJoe Connor sat down live in studio with Dennis Miller and discussed Eric Holder’s history of deceit.
Joe Connor sat down Friday live in studio with Dennis Miller and discussed Eric Holder’s history of deceit including Holder’s
Read MoreI joined Steve Malzberg on his show today to discuss the similarities between the FALN and the Boston Marathon bombings.
Read MoreWe the People shows no classes, just Americans. We need to live today by the truth of these simple words.
Read MoreOn Fox & Friends this morning, Gretchen Carlson and I discussed Columbia University’s disgracefulhire ofWeather Underground, convicted murderer Kathy Boudin
Read MoreJoe Connor sat down with Steve Doocy Thursday, March 21st to discuss the dangerous, absurd Trusted Traveler program for Saudi
Read More After positive feedback on AmericaLive Friday, I was invited to Fox and Friends Sunday Morning. We discussed among other
Read MoreOn March 8th Joe explained why terrorists like bin Laden’s son in law should not be given the rights of
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