Why do we keep having to justifyjustice? We ask PEOTUS Trump to secure the return of FALN terrorist William Morales
Read MoreCategory: Hillary Clinton
With the death of Fidel Castro this week Hell became a worse place. Eric Shawn and Joe discussedCastro’s death as
Read MoreFollowing is a letter sent from Law Enforcement, FALN victims and FALN victim’s families urging President Obama not to release
Read MoreAs posted by Leah Barkoukis today on Townhall.com. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/11/01/clinton-corruption-new-square-four-n2239896 From her private email server to the pay-to-play politics exposed at
Read MoreAs published October 30, 2016 in Townhall.com. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/10/30/trump-ad-clinton-pardoning-puerto-rican-terrorists-n223793 Donald Trump’s latest ad targets Hillary Clinton for being sympathetic
Read MoreHillary Clinton: Cannot be trusted on terrorism We the People are pissed off: Eric Shawn discusses similarities between today
Read MoreJustice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA): Overriding President Obama’s veto, we the people won results when this administration would
Read MoreOrginally published September 25, 2016 in Townhall.com The Clintons released unrepentant terrorists to advance Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations.In 1999 Hillary
Read MoreIn the wake of the New York terror bombings this weekend, Eric Shawn and Joe compared today to the 1970s
Read MoreAs published in Townhall.com http://townhall.com/columnists/joeconnor/2016/09/04/flight-to-terror-n2213667 Among much fanfare, direct flights between the US and Cuba began this week. With
Read MoreA large portion of the American people are equally appalled by both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump; many even see
Read MoreVladimir Putin has once again acted to subvert NATO when he met with Turkish president Erdogan under the guise of
Read MoreHillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem to be diametrically opposed in every way, except for the strange and misguided aversion
Read MoreSaturday, August 6 on Fox and Friends, Pete Hegseth and Joe discussed Hillary Clinton’s plans to shut down the Guantanamo
Read MoreOn Fox & Friends August 3, Steve Doocy and Joe discussed the Obama Administration’s $400 million ransom payment to Iran
Read MoreThursday night at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton demonstrated what one must admit were impressive rhetorical abilities. Beneath these
Read MoreAs published in Townhall.com July 22, 2016 http://townhall.com/columnists/joeconnor/2016/07/22/bla-bla-bla-bla-or-blm-what-difference-at-this-point-does-it-make-n2196413 Tuesday nightat the Republican Convention, NJ Governor Chris Christie indicted
Read MoreOn the Kelly File July 1, Joe discussed the noose of Political Correctness and raised the reprehensibleClinton clemencies to the
Read MoreWith all but the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the Democrat nominee for president, Joe spoke with Aaron Bandler of
Read MoreAs published in Townhall.com and discussed with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV Joe focuses on Bernie Sanders’ pledge to pardon
Read MoreGod bless those innocents murdered in Brusselstoday by radical islamic extremists. We pray their families find strength, peace and justice.
Read MoreAs publishedin National Review Online and Townhall.com: The Guantanamo Bay detention camps have been attacked by many, including our
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