Category: ISIS
Joe tried to make some sense of this insane world this week, Wednesday on the Joe Piscopo Radio Show and
Read MoreAs published October 31, 2019 in Congratulations to Mr. Trump, the US military and intelligence communities for tracking
Read MoreShattered Lives; Overcoming the Fraunces Tavern Terror byJeff Ingber,Joe Connor Shattered Livesbegins by taking the reader into the graphic horror
Read MoreOn American Pulse translated and broadcasted on Egyptian TV, Joe and Michael Morgan discussed a wide range of issues from
Read MoreHillary Clinton: Cannot be trusted on terrorism We the People are pissed off: Eric Shawn discusses similarities between today
Read MoreEveryday we turn on the news or open the paper to find stories of bombings, shootings, and even stabbings committed
Read MoreJustice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA): Overriding President Obama’s veto, we the people won results when this administration would
Read MoreOrginally published September 25, 2016 in The Clintons released unrepentant terrorists to advance Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations.In 1999 Hillary
Read MoreIn the wake of the New York terror bombings this weekend, Eric Shawn and Joe compared today to the 1970s
Read MoreThursday night at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton demonstrated what one must admit were impressive rhetorical abilities. Beneath these
Read More“Fanaticism is not the cause of war. It is the means which helps a savage peoples to fight.” Over one
Read MoreGod bless those innocents murdered in Brusselstoday by radical islamic extremists. We pray their families find strength, peace and justice.
Read MoreAs publishedin National Review Online and The Guantanamo Bay detention camps have been attacked by many, including our
Read MoreAs published in on December 22, 2015. In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris and
Read MorePresident Obama’s failure to identify and confront our mortal enemy as Radical Islamic Terrorists had been written off by most
Read MoreEach of them (9/11 victims) was an individual, each of them had a story and each of them left a
Read MoreOn 9/11, Steve Malzberg and Joe discussed theObama Administration’s weakness on terror on Newsmax TV. If we cannot even define
Read MoreWe are at war. With another cowardly beheading of Steven Sotloff and taunts against the US, the evidence is clear
Read MoreObama and our so called leaders dither on our national security, focusing the full might and ire of the federal
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